Release Notes

R5 08-Mar-2023


Line Chart - Ability to set custom range

Now the users can set custom range for the Y-axis when showing values in line chart

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Line Chart - Disable/Enable connect null values

Null values can be connected or not represented in the line chart from the View settings

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Histogram panel

Now data can be visualised in the form of histogram, where we can select the stream and number of bins to classify the data into

Document image

Show confirmation "<Version> is going to be deployed on <n> devices" before triggering firmware update action

When we trigger an action to update firmware, now we show a confirmation with version and device count as summary

Document image

Data pipeline metrics

We've added support to generate and collect important metrics in data pipeline. Metrics include:

  • Metering data like:
    • Number of active connections
    • Amount of data received from devices
    • Amount of data received on subscription
  • Alerting data to capture errors

These metrics will be integrated with the UI and will be available for users soon.

Bug fixes & Minor changes

  • Change range in Line Chart only when the data has been fetched instead of before loading the complete data to avoid confusion
  • Line Chart - Tooltip not completely visible when have to show many data points
  • Fixed the loader not working properly when previous request was aborted in dashboard filters and time range change
  • Bug fix in Welcome screen when new user was seeing blank screen