Console Guides

Line Charts


A line chart is a type of chart used to show information that changes over time. Line charts are created by plotting a series of several points and connecting them with a straight line. Line charts can be used to track changes over short and long periods.

Add Line Chart

Step 1: Navigate to the Dashboards tab, select the desired dashboard, and click the Add Panel button to create a new panel.

Step 2: Select Line Chart Panel

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Step 3: You should see options to customize the Title of the chart and data source for the Panel.

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Step 4: You can also customize the View options by switching to the View tab.

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You can customize the graph in the following ways:

Displaying an area chart

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Connecting null values on the graph

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Displaying points or markers in the graph as well as changing the line width

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Displaying a line for threshold value in the graph

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The custom range for Y-axis

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Step 5: You can also customize the Axis settings of the graph

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Step 6: When you are satisfied with the customizations, click on Submit to add the Line Chart Panel to the Dashboard.