Console Guides
Creating a Role
To create a Role,
Step 1: Navigate to the Settings Tab by clicking on the user name at the top right

Step 1: Navigate to the Roles tab.

Step 2: Click on the Create Role button

Step 2: You should see the Create Role form

- Role Name
- Home Page
- Show Device Management Tab
- Show Dashboards Tab
- Show Actions Tab
Device Filters:
- Select the Key to filter by metadata and device ID
Data Access:
- Add Table
Device Management:
- Allow creating new devices:
- Allow user to view firmware versions
- Allow user to create, deactivate, and activate firmware versions
- Allow user to view files
- Allow user to create, deactivate, and activate files
- Allow user to view config versions
- Allow user to create, edit, and delete config versions
- Allow user to view metadata list
- In Device Management
- Allow viewing metadata
- Allow editing metadata
Stream config:
- Allow user to view streams
- Allow user to create, edit and delete streams
Roles & Users:
- Allow user to view users
- Allow user to create, edit and delete users
- Allow user to view roles
- Allow user to create, edit and delete roles
- Allow user to create, edit, and delete dashboards
- Allow sharing dashboards with
- Allow performing actions
- Allow user to view action types
- Allow user to create, edit and delete new action types
- Allow marking action as completed
- Allow user to edit Project settings

Step 3: You can select appropriate values for the above permissions and Submit to create the role.