Locate Device
The Locate Device panel shows the current location of the device on the map.
Add Locate Device
Step 1: Navigate to the Dashboards tab, select the desired dashboard, and click the Add Panel button to create a new panel.
Step 2: Select Locate Device Panel
Step 3: Configure the Locate Device Panel by adding a title and selecting the stream containing the longitude and latitude values. You can also add other device dashboard links, metadata, and device shadow stream data.
When you click on a marker, you can view the device shadow, access metadata, and navigate to links leading to device dashboards.
Step 4: In the View tab, you can do the following customizations:
1. Choose the icon for the map marker
2. Configure Icon color based on Status in device_shadow
3. Select the traffic layer on the map
4. Select the satellite layer on the map
Step 5: Click on Submit to add the Panel to the Dashboard.